At the end of a training the training quality is recognized. Let us assume that the technical component has beencorrectly and completely communicated. And what about the participants? How are you ? What is your attitude tothe SAP System at the beginning of the training and in the end? How are they mentally and physically? Are theymentally structured or near the confusion at the end of the training? If the know-how transfer is successful ineveryday work or needs further support, e.g. by colleagues? Are the training documents usable guides for the dailybusiness or only screenshots of the process sequence? So there are a lot of questions about training, which havenothing to do with the pure content in itself. These questions relate exclusively to the process levels of a training.On the basis of our training and many years of experience in the training business of the SAP system, we offertrainings that have a holistic and motivating effect. Professional knowledge coupled with skill in dealing withparticipants make our work as a whole successful. A functioning SAP system is the foundation. The standing, viablebuilding is a workable, open-minded and motivated employee.Want more information? Contact our training office andarrange a non-binding appointment.